Tired of Over Paying For Credit Card Fees? We were too!
Let's get this problem solved for you once and for all! I know, I know. Here comes another merchant services company promising the world. "I'm going to save you money". Always over promising. Always under delivering. You've probably heard it all a hundred times. So did we. So we'll save you the pitch.
You see, Talus was founded for small business owners by small business owners. We know how important every last dollar is to a small business and how much every penny counts. That is why Talus offers the most transparent, industry leading "Interchange Plus" pricing in the industry.
Traditionally this type of pricing was only offered to the "Wal-Marts" and "Targets" of the world, but now you too can have the same pricing as the big dogs!
To find out more on how Talus can lower your costs and increase your business's profits, please feel out the form below.